File Hosting

Upload your files securely and track downloads and pageviews. Easily share with collegues, friends and family.

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Custom Branding
Safe Encryption
Advanced Analytics
Download Limitation
Easy File Hosting.

Do you need a trusted way to securely share information directly with anyone? To do this, we offer you a quick way to transmit encrypted information to another individual. Secure and share your data from any browser, mobile device or desktop application.

Get Started

Upload. Share. Track.

How it works.

We offer you a secure & simple way to share information directly with another person. Easily transmit fully encrypted files including passwords, billing credentials or business documents. The download link is protected by the following user-configured parameters:

  • An expiration date
  • A maximum download count
  • A password protection

Get Started
Trackable to the dot

File Encryption

Secure your files with our powerful file encryption system. Our algorithms protect your data from unauthorized access, malware, and data breaches. Transfer your files is safe and secure.

Easy Management

Easily manage your files with our intuitive dashboard and powerful tools. Edit parameters, create custom download links, and track download activity with ease.

Track Downloads

Measure the performance of your download pages with our powerful analytics tools. See how many people click on your pages, download your files, and where they are coming from.

Restrict Download

Control who can download your files by adding an expiration date, a maximum number of downloads or a password protection. This helps you protect your files and ensure that they are only available to the intended recipients.

Customize Download Links

Customize your download links with our easy-to-use interface. Choose your custom alias, file name, and other parameters to control who can download the file and how it is displayed.

Branded Download Page

Brand your download page with your own logo and colors to create a consistent and professional experience for your users. This will help to increase brand awareness and credibility, and improve user experience.