What Is a Url Shortener?

A URL shortener is a tool that can take a long, complex URL and turn it into shorter link that is easy to share. This can be useful when sharing links on social media, SMS, or email, especially if the original URL is quite long and complex. Shortened URLs also tend to look neater and are often more clickable- which can encourage more people to click through!

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What Is a Url Shortener?
Advantages of short URLs.

Let's talk more specifically about some of their benefits.

  • Easy to share

    Integrate short links with emails, web pages, messaging apps, social media platforms etc. and share them effectively.

  • Shorter and More Memorable

    Enhance the aesthetics and readability of your links. Create clean & compact URLs that are easier to read, write, share, and remember.

  • Access protected

    Take control over the short links you share with an expiration date, password protection or a click limitation.

  • Can be tracked

    We provide a detailed analytic tool that allow you to track clicks related to the short links you've shared.

  • Can be customized

    Use custom domain and custom alias to create branded, memorable, consistent & trustable short links.

  • Create legible QR codes that are easier to scan

    The shorter your URL, the more legible your QR code. In fact, the more data there is to encode, the more complex the QR code's visual structure will be, and the more difficult it will be to scan.

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Advantages of short URLs
Track each click on shorten links.

Unlock the power behind your clicks. Track performance of your shortened URLs with detailed metrics. Analyze real-time traffic by region, device, navigator, languages and referrers to understand user experience. Optimize campaigns to deliver your content to the most relevant audience.
Boost insights from our powerful short links!

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Track each click on shorten links

Take control of your links

You are one click away from taking control of all of your links, and instantly get better results.